World in Conflict Tool for ArmA2 Wiki

Compatible with v7.0c (26/03/2011)

This script will spawn tactical airlift focused on deploying resources and material in mid-flight using parachutes attached to the supply containers in question (e.g. C-130 Hercules).

It also uses Universal Crate Filler v2.01 by Tophe of Östgöta Ops OOPS that will fill crates or vehicles with weapons, ammo and equipment. It is universal so you can set it to fill the crate with an optional amount of BLUFOR or OPFOR weapons, magazines and equipment. Also you can choose to use weapons from Arma2, Arrowhead, BAF, PMC or all.

How to use

Example -- dropping USBasicAmmunitionBox, USLaunchersBox, HMMWV and MTVR

[nil,nil,rEXECVM,"WICT\sandbox\sandbox_exe.sqf","WICT\support\","supplyDrop",10,position player, "C130J", (round(random 360)), 1000, ["USBasicAmmunitionBox","USLaunchersBox","HMMWV","MTVR"],"west",false] call RE;

Example -- dropping two HMMWVs filled with west A2 weapons and equipment, 2 of each weapons, 8 magazines and 1 of each equipment.

[nil,nil,rEXECVM,"WICT\sandbox\sandbox_exe.sqf","WICT\support\","supplyDrop",10,position player, "C130J", (round(random 360)), 1000, ["HMMWV","HMMWV"],"west",true,"arma",false,2,8,1] call RE;

Syntax :

[nil,nil,rEXECVM,"WICT\sandbox\sandbox_exe.sqf","WICT\support\","supplyDrop",#1,#2, "#3",#4, #5, [#6],"#7",#8,"#9",#10,#11,#12,#13] call RE;

#1 -- amount of seconds after which supplyDrop will be available again - 0 means OFF -- NUMBER
#2 -- position where to drop -- POSITION
#3 -- airlift classname -- STRING
#4 -- direction -- NUMBER
#5 -- distance -- NUMBER -- (make it more than 400 m)
#6 -- cargo classnames array -- ARRAY OF STRINGS
#7 -- side "west","east","all" -- STRING
#8 -- use Universal Crate Filler, true/false -- BOOLEAN
#9 -- game "all","arma","oa","baf","pmc","user" -- STRING
#10 -- refill true/false -- BOOLEAN
#11 -- weapons(amount) -- NUMBER
#12 -- magazines(amount) -- NUMBER
#13 -- equipment(amount) -- NUMBER