World in Conflict Tool for ArmA2 Wiki

World in Conflict Tool has 13 classes.


Regular infantry[]

Regular infantry is the most common type of infantry. I’ve put medics in these groups. The group will start aware and with normal speed, moving closer to the battlefront and then continuing to the enemy base.

AT squads[]

They are not to underestimate when facing heavy armor, and if allied air cover is running low. Furiously seeking for enemy armor to destroy. Make sure you have some infantry squads with these guys, in case something else pops up.


Heavy duty with heavy machineguns and grenades – these are masters of fire rate and destruction.


Want a support from a long distance to nail down infantry squads – here are the sniper teams. Do not play hide and seek with them.


The worst nightmare of every infantry – deadly combination of snipers, designated marksmen and sharp eye spotters. They can find you anywhere.

Troop transport vehicles[]

The most vulnerable, but yet the most versatile type of infantry (packed in a shell). They have only one goal – to rush from their base to the enemy’s. They are the only type of unit that will try to capture neutral sector. They are only to sweep buildings. The leader will order the group to hold fire and disengage (green&safe). Individual units will open fire only on enemy units that are both aware of their individual presence and can harm them. They need protection and hole in the front line. If they cannot find suitable place around neutral sector or enemy base they will go to “the very heart of the beast” risking their lives. It is the best to combine them with some other units that will give them support.

Ground vehicles[]

Light vehicles[]

Light vehicles are both transport and dangerous weapon.

Infantry fighting vehicles[]

This group contains IFVs, APCs and high-mobility multipurpose vehicles.

IFVs are similar to armored personnel carriers (APCs), designed to transport five to ten infantrymen and their equipment. They are differentiated from APCs ("battle taxis") by their enhanced armament (allowing them to give direct-fire support during an assault), firing ports (allowing the infantry to fire personal weapons while mounted), and usually improved armor.

Medium tanks[]

Quite simple in comparison with modern tanks and thus is very easy to operate, don’t require a high level of training or education in their crewmembers. Medium tanks are simply neither the heaviest nor lightest in weight, and many of the designs had successful balance of firepower, mobility, protection, and endurance, and could often be adapted to a variety of roles.

Heavy tanks[]

This is the backbone of Armor. Heavy, deadly but slow. Heavy tanks have usually been deployed to fulfill the need for a breakthrough tank, though in practice have been more useful in the defensive role than in the attack. Design goals have included attacking obstacles, creating breakthroughs, and engaging enemy armored formations.

Air vehicles[]

Medium helicopters[]

Fast and deadly, suitable for any role. This group can contain light choppers too (OA). Use the “second die” to manipulate their spawning probability.

Heavy gunships[]

Little bit slower, but armored and armed to the teeth.

Winged aircrafts[]

Remember the Top Gun…

Custom classes[]

Open the location WICT_data\W_classes because you will find nice example there. Open the file W_reginf.sqf.

Let’s talk about probability again. If there is more than one variant for this spawning BIS_fnc_selectRandom will be used to determine which variant will be spawned.

Then the masterClassSpawn.sqf is called with some parameters:

  • side: "west" or "east"
  • _team: do not change manually
  • vehicles: "none", "ground" or "air"
  • AI: please visit AI page to decide what to write here (or to use custom FSM)

From the version v5.0 setting up custom classes is piece of cake.

You just have to open startSettings.sqf and put new units and vehicles, change vehicles, change units, change their loadout etc.

You can also make a convoy very easily:


You see, the first element of the array contains two vehicles and both will be "filled" with soldiers -- mounting seats and turrets is automatic.

Open WICT_data\W_classes\W_trans.sqf. This example is very interesting because of one more thing – the second die. What if you want to setup spawn probability of spawn probability? Open W_trans.sqf. Here you have three cases:

  • spawning HMMWV convoy
  • spawning helicopter
  • spawning truck

“The second die” is _chooseVariant. It has 6 possibilities, but distribution of _chooseVariant, is not equal anymore for those three cases:

  • spawning HMMWV convoy --- 3/6 = 50% of cases
  • spawning helicopter --- 2/6 = 33.33% of cases
  • spawning truck --- 1/6 = 16.67% of cases

Now, a quick question: if the spawning probability of troop transport is 20%, what is spawning probability for the truck? The answer is 3.33% of cases. Or (1/5 * 1/6) *100 = 3.33%.

I am not going to mention that you can have unlimited number of dice (big smile). But I will mention that the gameplay will be different every time.
